Paris Radio Show 2024
06,07 FEBRUARY 2024
La Bellevilloise

Tuesday 6 February 2024

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5:00PM - 5:45PM

(Hyper). Comment adapter l'expérience aux nouveaux supports d'écoute ?

FORUM AUDIENS - Expériences

All over the world, the omnipotent position of terrestrial broadcasting is slowly but surely ending. Since the advent of the Internet and the historical technological developments of recent years, radio has, in front of it, new distribution channels (webradio, podcast, music and video streaming platforms, voice assistants, TV, FAST. . . ). So many channels, so many challenges to deliver the expected experience, to mark its territory by distributing its flows as efficiently as possible. A rich and exciting exchange with Laurent Hongne (in charge of radio development at SECOM), Régis Verbiguié (CEO of Radioplayer France) and Benoit Bricq (in charge of audio distribution and innovation at RTBF).

FORUM AUDIENS - Expériences


Laurent Hongne

*Laurent Hongne

Director of the Audio/Radio Division

Regis Verbiguie

*Regis Verbiguie

Radioplayer France
General Manager

Benoit Bricq

*Benoit Bricq

Audio Project Manager