European Radio and Digital Audio Show 2020
23,24,25 JANUARY 2020
Paris - Grande Halle de la Villette

Thursday 23 January 2020

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2:00PM - 2:30PM

Multiply your audiences: Think multichannel radio

Auditorium JAUNE

Are the radio ratings crumbling? Digital audiences are gaining momentum, and so is radio. Linear, delinearized. . . from now on, you need to think about your content in multi-channel mode, so that it reaches all the audiences it deserves. This approach implies new production and propulsion strategies, but will also allow you to recruit new audiences. . . with the same content.
MYConseils Jean-Charles Verhaeghe. With Yann Legarson resp. Digital Indie Radio

Auditorium JAUNE


Yann Legarson

*Yann Legarson

Digital Marketing Manager
Grande Bretagne