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European Radio and Digital Audio Show 2019
24,25,26 JANUARY 2019
Paris - Grande Halle de la Villette

Stéphanie Roch

Booth n° : F04

4, Avenue de l'Europe

94366 Bry-sur-marne cedex


Tel : 01-49-83-24-24

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Ina (formation)

INA is the leading professional training center for audiovisual and digital media professions. The podcast craze, new writing, the role of social networks, DAB+: innovations follow one another in the radio professions. To update, complete, validate new skills or change profession, INA accompanies you. Our team is here to help you refine your training project and its financing. Among a very rich offer, discover the training you are looking for:
Short-term professional training: animation, journalism, directing, production, programming, FM and DAB+ broadcasting...
Qualifying training courses :
- Radio host (Certificate of Professional Qualification, eligible for CPF)
- Podcast and radio producer (INA Certificate of Professional Competence, eligible for CPF)
- Sound operation technician (Professional Certificate, eligible for CPF)
- Digital sound restorer (Certificate of Professional Qualification, eligible for CPF)
Diploma courses :
- INA Diploma in sound engineering (Bac+2)
- INA Diploma in Sound Engineering - sound or audiovisual specialties (Bac+3)


Radio training